El problema son los minarquistas
The problem anarchists have with minarchists isn’t really that they
advocate a monopolized legal system with a monopoly police corps and monocentric
law. Usually people think this is the reason anarchists and statists cannot go
together. But it isn’t so. Anarchists can accept statists living next-door or a
block down the road, and living the way they find most satisfying. No problem.
And statists should be able to accept anarchists just the same way.But this isn’t really what the seemingly never-ending and often very
irascible discussion between anarchists and minarchists is about. The problem
has to do with perspective and force, not really of whether the "proper
functions" of government should be a community monopoly or not. And this is what
makes it so confusing when libertarians discuss utopia – they appear to say
almost the same things, yet seemingly hate each other more than "the
enemy."Minarchists do claim they will allow a multitude of communities and
accept a variety of lifestyles, but they are all subordinate to the
rights-maintaining minarchist state. Minarchism means everybody enjoys the
freedom to organize one’s life according to one’s owMinarchists do claim they
will allow a multitude of communities and accept a variety of lifestyles, but
they are all subordinate to the rights-maintaining minarchist state.
El problema reside en la voluntariedad, si alguien quiere vivir en una sociedad hiperplanificada, adelante, pero no me obligues a mí, dejame tranquilo (no, obstante la naturaleza del Estado lo lleva a imponer la coerción aún cuando no la solicites, pienso). El final es oro puro:
Minarchists do claim they will allow a multitude of communities and accept a variety of lifestyles, but they are all subordinate to the rights-maintaining minarchist state. Minarchism means everybody enjoys the freedom to organize one’s life according to one’s own preferences – but only as far as the state can allow. Of course, if that was not the case they would in reality be anarchists.
El artículo completo en http://www.lewrockwell.com/bylund/bylund10.html
Lamentablemente la mayoría de los minarquistas, y no hablo de conservadores o neoconservadores, están imbuídos de un pensamiento conservador que los hace subsumirse en un proyecto colectivista. Poca oposición pueden ofrecer si lo apoyan.
MarcosKtulu, at 8:49 AM
El minarquismo es algo esquizofrênico, si menos estado es mejor, poque no lo reducimos del todo y dejamos que la gente se organice del modo que crea apropiado,ellos no te contestan,te acusan de progre y los progres de facho.
MagnusGodmunsson, at 10:08 PM
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